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The owner of this Ibanez wanted something a little more unique. See how we added some flair and some sonic power. How much more white could it be? None. None more white.

Ibanez Refin

The customer who brought in this white Ibanez RG2EX2 wanted it refinished – in white. Yes it’s already white, but this time he wanted it to be entirely white. No black binding, electronics, or hardware. He decided to upgrade all of the hardware, this time in gold and to replace the pickups with a new set (in gold of course.)Here’s another view of this guitar – before…

Ibanez Refin

and after. That’s a set of DiMarzio Tone Zone pickups and even a set of gold Aurora strings.

Ibanez Refin

Ibanez Refin

We weren’t sure how different it would look when we started out, but what a difference it made. It looked so good we were kind of sorry to see it go home!

Ibanez Refin

Ibanez Refin